Recovery is extremely complex. It strains existing staff and responses and takes months or even years to implement. Eastern Shield experts can help you and your stakeholders organize and plan for recovery from any crisis.
Eastern Shield personnel have extensive experience organizing and managing crisis recovery programs both nationally and internationally, providing your organization with the knowledge and experience necessary to resolve any type of situation, and ensure recovery in an effective, efficient and timely manner. With our support, you will be better able to predict future crisis situations.
On-site support in the event of a crisis to help manage recovery operations
⦁ Manpower and equipment.
⦁ Expert evaluation and estimation of damages.
⦁ Debris management, operations oversights and planning.
⦁ Recovery program design and implementation.
⦁ Long-teerm recovey planning.
⦁ Synchronization of recovery programs and resources timely, efficient and cost-effictive completion.
⦁ Forensic accounting services.
⦁ Crisis communications.