Law Enforcement Training

⦁ Human rights.
⦁ A license weapons.
⦁ A sense of security
⦁ Crimes decelop.
⦁ Community police.
⦁ Anti–crime.
⦁ Preventation of crime.
⦁ International cooperation in combating crime.
⦁ Registration and statistics.
⦁ Research methods.
⦁ Duties of police.
⦁ The administration police.
⦁ Quality management.
⦁ The department of police operations.
⦁ The management of crises and desaster.
⦁ The police leadership.
⦁ Juvenile crime.
⦁ The rehabilitation of inmates.
⦁ The crimes of torrosim.
⦁ Juvenile delinquency.
⦁ Nationality, residency and foreigners .
⦁ Important personalities protiction.
⦁ The jucenile welfare.
⦁ The investegation of incidents of explosives.
⦁ The investegation in computer crimes.
⦁ Guarding the motorcades of figures.
⦁ Anti-riot.
⦁ Analysis and classfication of criminal information.
⦁ Traffic regulation.
⦁ The administration police.
⦁ Stratigic management.
⦁ The security operations and stratigic planining.
⦁ The policewoman skills.
⦁ The work of police patrols.
⦁ The session of the portfolios of training of the preparation of training.
⦁ The sessions of intelligence work constitutive and inteligence work constitutive and prgressive.
⦁ The sessions of the international peace-keeping missons and participation in the United Nations.
⦁ The investigatin of criminal fires.
⦁ The negotiating teams to solve Sit-Ins and undergo illegal.
⦁ The sessions of antidiscrimination between refugees.
⦁ The VIP protection.
⦁ Faith in matters of international humanitarian providers for peace.
⦁ Other matters.